
Recent cases

I help families living outside India and facing dispute in India find resolution through mediation. Navigating the Indian courts while living outside India is a complex process – families therefore either avoid the dispute and endure emotional distress or struggle managing the lawsuit from outside India.
Mediation offers these families the chance to pursue resolution through an efficient and accessible legal process.

Property dispute between siblings​
How I resolved a dispute related to division of property between siblings in the absence of a Will
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Divorce and Alimony
Discover how a mediator successfully navigates a difficult divorce case involving alimony disagreements...
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Mask group
Resolving Lease Conflicts
This case study showcases the effectiveness of mediation in resolving a complex dispute between an international...
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Other cases

Rebuilding Team Unity
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Mask group
Resolving Lease Conflicts
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Divorce and Alimony
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Property dispute between siblings​
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